
Canopy UV protection
For cooler cockpit – silver color (plexiglass friendly).

Brethable or non breathable fabric
Depending on user’s needs and requirements.

Wings and elevator segment with underside net.

Lightweight package
From 6 kg for 15 m glider.

Easy to fit
Segments fitted with buckles and velcro strap.

Additional impregnation
For an extended lifetime.

Extremely low condensation rate
Tested in fog conditions.

2 and 3 layer material

Water resistant 4000 mm+
Gliders And TMGs
- LET: L13/23 Blanik
- DG Flugzeugbau: DG-100, DG-101G, DG-200/400, DG-300WL, DG-500-22m, DG-505 Orion, DG-600 18m WL, DG-800B,S, DG-808C/18mWL, DG-1001M
- Rolladen-Schneider: : LS-1d, LS-1f, LS-3, LS-3a, LS-3/17m, LS-4, LS-6/15m, LS-6Cwl/18m, LS-7 NEO, LS-8wl, LS-8wl/18m
- Schempp-Hirth: Cirrus Std, Cirrus VTC, Discus, Discus 2C wl/18m, Ventus bt, Ventus 2a/2b wl, Ventus 2ax, Ventus 3M 18m, Duo Discus, Duo Discus XL, Arcus, Arcus II, Nimbus 3 (partial set)
- Schleicher: ASW-19, ASW-20CL, ASW-24 WL, ASW-27B, ASG-29/18m, ASK21, ASH-25 25m, ASH-25 WL 26m, Ka-6e
- Centrair: C101 Pegase
- PZL Bielsko: SZD-55-1, SZD-41A Jantar std. 1, SZD-48-1 Jantar std. 2, SZD-48-3 Jantar Std. 3, SZD-42-1 Jantar 2A
- LAK: LAK-12, LAK-17A, LAK-17B 18/21m, LAK-19
- Glasflügel: H-201 Libelle std., H-205 Club Libelle, H-206 Hornet, H-301 Libelle Dragonfly, H-303 Mosquito B
- Start + Flug: H101 Salto
- Pipistrel: Apis 15m, Taurus M, Taurus electro
- Jonker Sailplanes: JS-1C EVO Revelation 18/21m, JS-3 15/18m Rapture
- TeST: TST-14 Bonus
- GROB: Twin Astir I, Twin Astir II, Twin Astir III, Astir CS77
- Scheibe: SF-28A (canopy), SF-25C Falke, SF-25B/D Falke
- Hoffmann: H-36 Dimona
- VALENTIN: Tajfun
- Alisport: Silent 2 Targa
- Albastar: AS 13,5m
- Pilatus: B4
- LETOV: Weihe
- BöLKOW: Phoebus C
- HPH: 304MS Shark
- RADAB: Windex (partial set)
- ATEC: Faeta 321
- Urban Air: Samba XXL
- Hoffmann: H-36 Dimona
- Czech Sport Aircraft: PS-28 Cruiser, Sport Cruiser
- Pipistrel: Virus 912, Virus SW, Sinus 912
- Fly Synthesis: Texan, Storch
- Aerospool: WT9 Dynamic, WT10 Advantic
- TAF3 Aircraft: Flamingo
- ONE Aircraft: ONE
- EVECTOR: EV97 Eurostar (canopy only)
- ALPI AVIATION: Pioneer 300
General Aviation
- Piper: PA-38-112 Tomahawk, PA-18-150 Super Cub, PA-28-140 Cherokee, PA28R-201T Turbo Arrow
- Socata: TOBAGO TB10 GT, MS-893 Rallye Commodore
- Cessna: 172,182J
- Zivko Aeronautics: EDGE 540 V2
- DIAMOND: DA-40, DA-42, DA-42 VI
Glider trailers
- COBRA TRAILER: 2006 15m
- ANSCHAU: Comet III 15m